Prospect for sales

How to Prospect for Sales

We all know the importance of closing sales; in fact, many movies and many sales people have glorified closing sales over the past several years, and the amount of closed deals made is normally one of the hottest targets set within a company.

However, we are firm believers that the prospecting phase of any sales process is perhaps the most important phase!

  • Why?

Well put simply, the more people you enter into your sales process (or funnel if you will), then the more of a chance you will have of closing sales further down the line.

Prospecting should not be a tedious task, and if you know where to look, there are always plenty of opportunities to find people who will have a use for your products or services.

In this article, we want to share with our proven top tips on prospecting, and how you can prospect for sales effectively and efficiently to ensure your :

  • Networking

Networking events have always been at the forefront of sales peoples minds, and even throughout the Covid-19 pandemic networking events still went ahead; just with more of a virtual format.

Networking events give you the chance to mix, mingle and to connect with business people and professional people all of whom may have a need for what you sell,

It is important to remember that the chances of you getting a sale, or a hot lead, on the first networking meeting is rare. Think of networking as a chance to develop relationships and should become part of a long-term strategy.

  • Cold Calling

The telephone is still the most powerful tool any sales person has, and nothing beats picking up the phone and calling through 50 or 100 of your target audience.

Once you know who you want to target, you can either purchase data, or piece together a spreadsheet of your own and start conversations with people.

  • Social Media

Social selling is becoming more and more important by the day. Sure, it is important for businesses, brands and organisations to have their own social media presence, but for sales people, social media can become a fantastic tool to seek out business opportunities.

By setting up your own social media platforms, it allows you to display your personality, and develop your own personal brand and even help you to stand out as an expert in your field. All of these will not just help you to appeal to people whom you reach out to, but will encourage people to contact you!

  • Referrals

One of the most effective ways to find new prospects is to ask your current customers and clients for referrals.

As long as you have maintained the relationship with your customer well enough, and if you have done a good job for them, then they should be more than willing to refer you or even introduce you to people they know well.

This referral is always so powerful because of the level of trust and respect that has already been developed by all parties!

Ensure you ask for referrals as part of your sales process.

  • Events

And finally, conferences, exhibitions and other events make for a good time to hunt down new, potential clients. Here, you can either exhibit yourself and attract people to you, or, you can visit and work the room.

Remember, similar to networking, when attending any event you have to remember that the chances of a sale occurring is slim. However taking the time to develop relationships with the people you meet is where the real value is made.  

Remember; the more you prospect, the more of a chance you will have to close sales further down the line. So get your prospecting hat on, and go hunt down your next customer!

Any further support you need, remember C3 Sales are always here for you!

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